Services exclusifs
It is a popular literacy service to help families enhance their reading and writing skills with their young children and to help adults meet their reading and writing needs.

Who can benefit from this ?
Families with children 4 years of age and older in primary level at school who lack stimulation in reading and live in the Val St-Francois area.
Mothers with children 0 - 4 years of age having weak reading and writing skills or seldom read or write and live in the Val St-Francois area.
People 16 years of age and older (not going to school) having precise needs concerning reading or writing (ex. writing a CV, preparing for a job review or back to school, writing a letter) and residing in the Val St-Francois area.
Service offered
By pairing the applicants (families or individuals) and a volunteer. This individual accompaniment will take place in their home or at an outside local.
This service is free of charge.
This service could be offered to the anglophone community depending upon the availability of bilingual volunteers.
Person responsible: Sylvie Laval
Telephone: Richmond CAB – 819-826-6166
Email address:
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